Friday, October 8, 2021

Golden Calf: What beef? Cheap fucks, cheap dates, donkeys in the hills, monkeys in packs to dodge, Jewish whales on land, faces in the herds, dimes to drop.

Water to Life, Water to live, life on the seven seas, drop by drop, how far will it go. Life as a water drop, another view to check, clear as day, clear as water, views that are Crystal clear, to share. Tips and tales, of water in the air, rain and dances on the sands of time, time of the dances, the fires of hope, colors in the flames, purple and blue. Colors of hope, purple you see, blue for the harder days, blue for peace, green for luck.History Across The Lines, Rainbow Racers.Daily Gifts, Open Eyes.

Golden Calf: What beef? Cheap fucks, cheap dates, donkeys in the hills, monkeys in packs to dodge, Jewish whales on land, faces in the herds, dimes to drop. Lots of laughs, lots of love, lots of schools of hard knocks, winners, losers, learners, dicks, dawgs, donkeys in the hills.
May be an image of 2 people, people standing and text

Love and hate, family and blood, related sisters, different mom, different life, views online, to share. Words to define, what does that mean, hands in the air, greetings to you, horse and pony show, kids to play dress up. Good one.Golden Calf: What beef? Cheap fucks, cheap dates, donkeys in the hills, monkeys in packs to dodge, Jewish whales on land, faces in the herds, dimes to drop.
May be an image of text that says 'The ONE @realmainfeeling People think bc you be chill that you soft, nigga I'm protecting you not me know where imma take this shit'

Down Time Dreams To Actions: American Girl:Views Of Noses, Rats To Waves, Boats To Gloats, Houses With Heat, Veterans Nightmares. Jokes For Dicks. Rach Jay, Princess Dyke, butch to buy, sluts, and donkeys, rats to races, glory holes open wide, dances in the dark, games on land, games on the water, love and hate, ships to sail.

Love and hate, family and blood, related sisters, different mom, different life, views online, to share. Words to define, what does that mean, hands in the air, greetings to you, horse and pony show, kids to play dress up. Good one.Golden Calf: What beef? Cheap fucks, cheap dates, donkeys in the hills, monkeys in packs to dodge, Jewish whales on land, faces in the herds, dimes to drop.
Just Saying. Fairies, Hands, and hearts to guide. Rotten Tomatoes: Princesses, pumpkins, animals, objects, etc...
Just Saying. Fairies, Hands, and hearts to guide. Rotten Tomatoes: Princesses, pumpkins, animals, objects, etc...
i try but my pops he was the kind that didn’t cuss but more then once after he turned to walk away the offended would say did he just cuss...

Sade - No Ordinary Love (Official Video).Chicks, Babes, Bitches With 5 Stars, Fairy Tales, Dances Recaps, Recalls, Reviews, Reflections, Rites 2.Rats To Races: Games Played. Horse And Pony Show". Diana Ross "Touch Me In The Morning" who I am...Now you can figure it out if you don't already know..Together, we could light up the world, and we would have a better story of Romeo and Juliet.Did i get your attention?Hello beautiful. You want to trade fun for party favor? Cattle calls, pigs and hogs, Jewish whale on land. Steven Jay Jarrot.

Nice guy 58 white love giving oral and can trade you for fun. In Montclair now. Text 760-851-2267. KINGS, KNIGHTS, LEADERS OF THE BAND, HANDS TO HOLD, WHILE WE CLIMB THIS MOUNTAIN Together., dawgs, dates, cows to call, whales on land, crazy disfunctional family.

Love and hate, family and blood, related sisters, different mom, different life, views online, to share. Words to define, what does that mean, hands in the air, greetings to you, horse and pony show, kids to play dress up. Good one.Golden Calf: What beef? Cheap fucks, cheap dates, donkeys in the hills, monkeys in packs to dodge, Jewish whales on land, faces in the herds, dimes to drop.

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Battles Of Wits.Gifts to words, songs in the winds, tales of hats and horns, sinners and saints, dances on the sands of time. WDW News Today...