Friday, November 24, 2023

Fantastic article mate!Good Time Toads.Nuts, fools, frogs, freaks, sons to shine, bitches, babes, sister searching for another, man alone, senior alert, ways to see the light.

 Lord Have Mercy, for They Know Not What They Do.It may not be kosher. WTH! 5151:Fantastic article mate!Good Time Toads.Nuts, fools, frogs, freaks, sons to shine, bitches, babes, sister searching for another, man alone, senior alert, ways to see the light.
Our monkey minds are endlessly creative, and one of their favorite things to create is a nice juicy problem. If you don’t happen to have a problem, your monkey mind is always more than happy to invent one for you. This is why most suffering is self-created. And, because it’s coming from the mind, self-created suffering can manifest in an unlimited number of ways.Lord Have Mercy, for They Know Not What They Do.It may not be kosher. WTH! 5151:

If you’re wearing eyeglasses with yellow-tinted lenses, everything you see in the world around you will appear to…Fantastic article mate!Good Time Toads.Nuts, fools, frogs, freaks, sons to shine, bitches, babes, sister searching for another, man alone, senior alert, ways to see the light.

UNACCOUNTABLE.Practice to perfection classic life lessons.Need Service?There's no exact time frame for when that will be ready. 4 years now, updates.

Fantastic article mate!Good Time Toads.Nuts, fools, frogs, freaks, sons to shine, bitches, babes, sister searching for another, man alone, senior alert, ways to see the light. Lord Have Mercy, for They Know Not What They Do.It may not be kosher. WTH! 5151:

Our monkey minds are endlessly creative, and one of their favorite things to create is a nice juicy problem. If you don’t happen to have a problem, your monkey mind is always more than happy to invent one for you. This is why most suffering is self-created. And, because it’s coming from the mind, self-created suffering can manifest in an unlimited number of ways.Fantastic article mate!Good Time Toads.Nuts, fools, frogs, freaks, sons to shine, bitches, babes, sister searching for another, man alone, senior alert, ways to see the light.
If you’re wearing eyeglasses with yellow-tinted lenses, everything you see in the world around you will appear to…

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Well I'm going to bed now. I just got home from work and I'm tuckered out so I'm going to take a quick shower and go to bed, I have to be up early this morning to make that climb again.. ttyl

Even the strongest woman just needs to be loved.Just one day, eyes to open, changes to make, chances to take, choices to be made,having fun,...